2020 Montvale Athletic League Covid-19 Preparation Plan
The information here is not intended to be a substitute for guidelines published by the New Jersey Department of Healthy but rather in addition to those guidelines. All content, including text, link and information, are provided for general informational purposes only. The knowledge and circumstances around COVID-19 are changing constantly and, as such, the MAL makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of this information. Further, you should seek advice from medical professionals and/or public health officials if you have specific questions about your return to practice and competition.
All players, coaches, staff, spectators and other attendees must adhere to specifically required guidelines from the New Jersey Department of Health (NJ DOH Guidance for Sports Activities). Furthermore, because MAL teams may utilize both public and private fields for practice and competition, additional requirements may be in place based on guidelines set forth by the hosting township, county or private facility. Any additional guidelines should be provided to the visiting team by the hosting team prior to their arrival with adequate notice.
MAL Guidelines Prior to Practice or Competition:
All participants (athletes, coaches, staff, umpires) must be screened on-site at the beginning of each session with a temperature check and health questionnaire. Anybody showing symptoms of COVID-19 shall not be permitted to participate (CDC symptom checklist).
- Do not come to practice or competition if you have a temperature above 100.4°
- Do not come to practice or competition if you or any member of your household are not feeling well or are showing symptoms of COVID-19.
- Do not come to practice or competition if you or any member of your household have been exposed to a person with COVID-19 within the past 14 days.
- Do not come to practice or competition if you are not comfortable with the guidelines set forth by the NJ DOH, MAL or the facility at which you are practicing/competing.
- Adults 65 years and older or people of any age with serious underlying medical conditions are strongly encouraged not to attend practice or competition at this time.
- Arrive no more than 15 minutes prior to your scheduled start. Maintain social distance.
- Coaches should have sanitizing stations for athletes set up for practices and games.
MAL Guidelines During Practice or Competition:
- Healthy Practices: All players, coaches, umpires and spectators should practice “good hygiene” by regularly washing their hands with soap and water or using hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Players and coaches should avoid all but the essential contact necessary during practice or competition. Post-game handshakes should be replaced by a “tipping caps” as a sign of good sportsmanship.
- Parents and spectators: Are discouraged to stay for practice. If you must stick around you should wear a cloth face covering and maintain a social distance from any other parents or spectators. During games spectators should observe social distancing or wear face coverings.
- Social-distancing: Players, coaches, umpires and spectators should maintain 6-feet of distance whenever possible.
- Face-coverings:
- Coaches/Spectators: Encouraged to wear face-coverings at all times when 6-feet of distancing is not possible.
- Players: Should not wear face-coverings when actively participating in vigorous activity during practice or competition. If parents are uncomfortable having their child play sports without a face covering, they should speak to the Sports commissioner regarding their options. Players are permitted to wear a face-covering when not playing if their parent/guardian/caretaker deem it necessary.
- Umpires: Are encouraged to wear face-covering whenever applicable and possible, but it is not mandatory.
- General/All: Face-coverings should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.
- Drinks & Snacks: All players, coaches, spectators and umpires should bring their own food or beverages that are clearly labeled with their name. There should not be any shared food or beverages. Sunflower seeds, gum, chewing tobacco etc., are not be allowed in dugouts or on the field. All players and coaches are to refrain from spitting at all times.
- Player Equipment: Players should use their own equipment whenever possible. If equipment must be shared, it should be cleaned and then disinfected with an EPA-approved disinfectant against COVID-19 and allowed sufficient time to dry before being used by a new player.
- Baseballs/Softballs: Each team should use their own balls while in the field during competition.
MAL Guidelines for Concluding Practices or Competition:
- Player Equipment: Players must bring all equipment back home. Any equipment left behind will be discarded.
- Players/Coaches: There shall be no post-game handshake with the other team. Players and coaches must utilize the sanitizing stations prior to entering and leaving the field.
- Coaches: Should spray sanitize the dugout area after practice or competition.